Uses of Class

Packages that use Namespace
org.apache.anteater.test This package contains the top-level tasks and API that define the testing framework. 

Uses of Namespace in org.apache.anteater.test

Methods in org.apache.anteater.test that return Namespace
static Namespace GroupUtils.getNamespace(ArrayList nsList, String prefix)
          Retrieves the Namespace from the specified list.
static Namespace Namespace.create( proj, String prefix, String uri)
          A factory for creating Namespaces which have their 'project' field properly set.

Methods in org.apache.anteater.test with parameters of type Namespace
 void ActionTask.addNamespace(Namespace ns)
 void Group.addNamespace(Namespace ns)
          Add a <namespace/> to the group.

Ant Functional Tester -- see Project home page for details