Package org.apache.anteater.test.log

Anteater's logging system.


Interface Summary
Logger Callback-style logger interface.

Class Summary
BaseLogger A basic Logger implementation.
ColourLogger Logger that writes Text log files with ANSI colour codes.
CompositeLogger A Logger that implements the Composite (GoF) pattern, by delegating method calls to a group of Loggers.
DebugLogger A Logger that just prints println messages indicating which methods have been called.
LoggerFactory A LoggerFactory corresponds to a <logger> element in Anteater.
LoggerFactory.TypeAttribute Enumerated attribute with the values "plain" and "xml".
LoggerUtils Utility code for use by Loggers.
MinimalLogger Logger that writes Text log files.
TextLogger Logger that writes Text log files.
XMLLogger Logger that writes XML log files compatible (slightly extending) with those from the <junit> task's XML formatter.

Package org.apache.anteater.test.log Description

Anteater's logging system.

Classes in this package implement Anteater's logging system, whose frontend is the <logger> element.

Internally, the logging system works on a traditional callback mechanism that will be familiar to Swing or SAX programmers. The Logger interface defines various lifecycle methods, which the test engine will call when appropriate. The Logger interface also has callback methods which Matchers can call, to log errors, failures, and diagnostic messages.

Integration with Ant's JUnit reporting framework is a primary goal. To that end, the XMLLogger class will output XML files compatible with those outputted by the XML formatter from the <junit> task (it slightly extends JUnit's format by adding an 'id' attribute to the testsuite element). One XML file will be produced per ActionTask (<httpRequest>, <listener> or <soapRequest> element). These can then be merged and styled into HTML via with &lr;junitreport> task.

Ant Functional Tester -- see Project home page for details