Uses of Interface

Packages that use Groupable
org.apache.anteater.test This package contains the top-level tasks and API that define the testing framework. 
org.apache.anteater.test.log Anteater's logging system. 
org.apache.anteater.test.matchers This package contains implementations of matchers
org.apache.anteater.test.meta Classes that deal with metadata about a script or Anteater itself. 

Uses of Groupable in org.apache.anteater.test

Classes in org.apache.anteater.test that implement Groupable
 class ActionTask
          Common class used to represent the common functionality of running multiple matchers on: the received request, while in the HTTP servlet the HTTP response, after a request has been sent to a server.
 class BaseDataType
          Root class for all the Anteater types.
 class BaseTask
          Root class for all the Anteater tasks.
 class ContentHandlerTask
          A superclass which can magically convert certain nested Task types into body text.
 class DefaultGroup
          Default, primordial group, from which all others inherit.
 class Deploy
          Task for deploying new web applications into the ServletContainer at runtime.
 class FileRequest
          Defines a request to return the contents of a file The file is read into the body of an HttpMessage object.
 class Group
          A Group is a scoping mechanism for Anteater data types and tasks.
 class HttpRequest
          Defines an HTTP request.
 class Listener
          Starts listening for an incoming HTTP request.
 class Matcher
          A Matcher corresponds to a <match> element, and describes a set of tests that need to be applied on an object.
 class MatcherSet
          MatcherSet maintains a set of Matchers to be applied on an object.
 class MatcherTest
          Matches an object against another.
 class Namespace
          Anteater representation of an XML namespace mapping.
 class SendResponse
          Sends an HTTP response back in the servlet thread.
 class Session
          A minimalistic session object, for storing cookie headers between requests.
 class SOAPRequest
          Simple extension to HTTPRequest to predefine SOAP type requests.
 class Undeploy
          Task for undeploying applications from the ServletContainer at runtime.

Methods in org.apache.anteater.test with parameters of type Groupable
 void Group.add(Groupable o)
          Add a Groupable Anteater object to this group.

Uses of Groupable in org.apache.anteater.test.log

Subinterfaces of Groupable in org.apache.anteater.test.log
 interface Logger
          Callback-style logger interface.

Classes in org.apache.anteater.test.log that implement Groupable
 class BaseLogger
          A basic Logger implementation.
 class ColourLogger
          Logger that writes Text log files with ANSI colour codes.
 class CompositeLogger
          A Logger that implements the Composite (GoF) pattern, by delegating method calls to a group of Loggers.
 class DebugLogger
          A Logger that just prints println messages indicating which methods have been called.
 class LoggerFactory
          A LoggerFactory corresponds to a <logger> element in Anteater.
 class MinimalLogger
          Logger that writes Text log files.
 class TextLogger
          Logger that writes Text log files.
 class XMLLogger
          Logger that writes XML log files compatible (slightly extending) with those from the <junit> task's XML formatter.

Uses of Groupable in org.apache.anteater.test.matchers

Classes in org.apache.anteater.test.matchers that implement Groupable
 class Blob
          A binary object matcher.
 class ContentEquals
          Checks if the matchOn string is equal with another one.
 class Header
          Maintains an HTTP header.
 class Jing
          Matcher based on James Clark's Jing tool for validating XML documents against the Relax NG schema language.
 class Method
          Check the method (GET, POST etc.) in an incoming HTTP request.
 class Parameter
          Maintains and checks a single HTTP parameter.
 class Regexp
          Validates content against a regular expression.
 class ResponseCode
          Check the response code in the HTTP response.
 class Template
          A template matcher, that you can base new matchers on.
 class XPath
          Assuming that the body of the HTTP message is an XML document, matches it using XPath.

Uses of Groupable in org.apache.anteater.test.meta

Classes in org.apache.anteater.test.meta that implement Groupable
 class CheckUses
          Anteater Task that lets a script explicitly indicate where they want the features to be checked.
 class Uses
          Collects a set of Features needed by a script.

Ant Functional Tester -- see Project home page for details