Package org.apache.anteater.util

This package contains various utility classes, many to do with the interaction between the servlet proxy and the rest of the testing framework.


Class Summary
Base64 This class provides encode/decode for RFC 2045 Base64 as defined by RFC 2045, N.
ImageInfo Get file format, image resolution, number of bits per pixel and optionally number of images, comments and physical resolution from JPEG, GIF, BMP, PCX, PNG, IFF, RAS, PBM, PGM, PPM, PSD and SWF files (or input streams).
IOUtil General IO Stream manipulation.
JarUtil Utilities for playing with jars and wars.
ProxySocket ProxySocket connects to a port on a machine through an HTTP Web proxy.
Queue Queue to be used between two threads.
SSLUtils SSL utility methods.
TeeOutputStream This class behaves just like an OutputStream, but it writes the output into two output streams.
Utils Various utility methods.

Package org.apache.anteater.util Description

This package contains various utility classes, many to do with the interaction between the servlet proxy and the rest of the testing framework.

Ant Functional Tester -- see Project home page for details