Package org.apache.anteater.util.regexp

Utility classes for playing with regular expressions.


Interface Summary
RegexpUtil Interface for regexp utility bean implementations.

Class Summary
ORORegexpUtil A stateful regexp utility bean, implemented with the ORO library.
RegexpTransforms Utility class with methods for changing regexps.
RegexpUtilFactory Factory for creating RegexpUtil classes.

Package org.apache.anteater.util.regexp Description

Utility classes for playing with regular expressions. Provides a simplifying abstraction layer between classes that need regexp capabilities (primarily the various matchers), and various Regexp libraries available.

There is a specification and implementation of a stateful bean for doing regexp matches. The interface is RegexpUtil, and the implementation based on Jakarta ORO is ORORegexpUtil. There is a factory, RegexpUtilFactory, for retrieving an instance of RegexpUtil, which currently just returns an ORORegexpUtil.

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